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The home study in a New York adoption

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2024 | Adoption

There are many steps and requirements involved in the New York adoption process. One of these is a home study.

You must successfully complete a home study to adopt a child. The home study process involves more than allowing someone to come in and inspect your home, although that is one of the requirements.

Choose a home study provider

The first step of the home study process is to select a home study provider. You can generally choose your home study provider, provided they are licensed in the state of New York.

The home study provider you select will then begin gathering background information on you and your household members, including criminal history records. They will also search for any record of child abuse or maltreatment history reports.

You and your household members, including minor children, must complete a medical examination. The report is submitted to the home study provider. The purpose of the medical examination is to ensure that you and your household members are physically and mentally able to care for a child.

Interviews and home visits

The next steps are the home visit and in-person interviews with the home study provider. You will also likely interview with others involved in the process, such as the social worker.

It is important to thoroughly prepare your home for the home visit and investigation. The home study provider will evaluate if your home is safe and suitable for a child.

Prepare your home for the visit by making sure all doors and windows are properly locked, covering electrical outlets, putting gates or rails on stairs and having an emergency plan in place in case of a catastrophe.

Your home should be clean and organized for the home inspection. It does not need to be perfect but should be an environment where a child can safely grow and thrive.

Adoption training

Finally, you will be required to complete adoption training. Once these steps are complete and you submit all necessary paperwork, the home study process is complete. If you have questions or concerns along the way, you can seek advice and guidance from a professional.